How to get in touch with Lois
I’d love to chat with you!
- If you are aware of some of your patterns that hold you back, but you don’t seem to have whatever it takes to make real change in those old patterns…
- If you feel frustrated or stuck in your relationships, work, or both but now you are ready to be DONE with settling…
- You know you want something different but aren’t clear what that is…
… I invite you to schedule a complimentary Soul Gardening™ Exploration Call to see how Soul Gardening™ works. It would be great if you could bring a specific issue that you’d like to work on.
On the call we will look at what’s going on with the situation, and you can potentially experience a sense of relief. We can explore how you might support yourself moving forward.
My hope for you is that you be free to really show up and shine… so you experience the fulfillment of sharing the gift of who you are out into your world, and have fun along the way.
Email me and we’ll get you scheduled for a session.
Contact info…
Address: Located in the awesome town of Shelton, WA & virtually by phone.
Phone: 804.551.1416
Email: [email protected]